The Basics
The Composite Fort is an artificial construct developed using the percentages of the artefact functional groups created from the finds catalogs of the individual Roman military sites presented on this website. The artefacts included in the excavation report(s) from each site (at this point, mostly forts) were assigned to functional groups by sector of the fort and their stratigraphic context and then the percentages for each functional group from each sector and stratigraphic context were combined and averaged, resulting in a percentage mean for each functional group. These means were used to construct the composite fort. You can examine the functional groups here, and the sectors here.
The functional groups in the Composite Fort are presented in tables created on two of the pages of this website. The first page containes tables containing the percentage means for the functional groups from each sector and the three stratigraphic contexts for that sector (ALL, STRAT and GOOD). The second page shows the particular sub-groups of each functional group as percentage means of that group.
For more about the various aspects of this study, please see the study overview section of this website. There you will find discussion of sectors, stratigraphic contexts, functional groups and more.