Roman Soldiers and the Roman Army

The book upon which this website is based is available for sale from British Archaeological Reports. You can find it here:
Roman Soldiers and the Roman Army, 2012, Rikke D. Giles
The dissertation I wrote about this study is available from Proquest and the University of Pennsylvania. It is not quite the same as the book published by BAR, in that it includes more background information about Rome and Northern Britain. Here is a link to the dissertation at the University of Pennsylvania: Roman Soldiers and the Roman Army - the Dissertation.
Bearsden: A Roman Fort on the Antonine Wall

I was honored to be asked by Dr. David Breeze, the archaeologist who excavated at Bearsden and wrote the book featured here, to contribute a chapter to the book utilizing functional and spatial methods of analysis on the finds from Bearsden. The chapter I wrote explores the results from Bearsden, compared to those of the overall Composite Fort(s). This exploration shows yet more ways to use the methodology of this study to learn about Roman military sites and their inhabitants.
Breeze's book on the excavations at Bearsden was published by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and is available here - Bearsden: A Roman Fort on the Antonine Wall or via Open Access.