Functional Sub-Groups in the Composite Fort

Tables of percentage means for the Sub-Groups of each Functional Group, computed for the Composite Fort and organized by occupation period, and stratigraphic context, can be found on this page.

Using the selection menu to the right, select the Occupation Period and Functional Group you are interested in viewing. Then click the 'Submit Period and Functional Group' button and the table of percentage means for the Composite Fort will be created.

The percentage mean of a sub-functional group from the Composite Fort shown in the resulting table is its percentage mean of the total of the main functional group to which it belongs. The same inclusion parameter holds true for these groups as for the main functional group percentage means, and the site percentages and sub-functional percentages. If a particular sector of the Composite Fort, and stratigraphic context of that sector, returns over five or more items (of any functional group) in total then the percentage means for the functional and sub-functional groups of those items found in that sector and stratigraphic context are included in this table.

Some Notes about the Tables

When selecting a period to view, remember that 'AP' refers to all the periods of the Composite Fort considered together. This means essentially, the AP table includes percentage means for all items used in the study which are in the functional sub-groups in the selected functional group. These percentage means were created from the finds in the selected functional group from all the sites, all their occupation periods, and all the sectors and their stratigraphic contexts in those sites which were used in this study.

To discover more about the sectors visit the Sectors page under the Study Menu. To learn about the functional groups and sub-groups visit the Functional Groups page under the Study Menu.

The Composite Fort for a particular occupation period may not have results from every sector or every stratigraphic context (all finds, stratified finds, good stratified finds) possible. This is a result of the varied excavation limitations of the individual sites which make up the Composite Fort. Percentage means for sectors and stratigraphic contexts for which the Composite Fort has no results are marked 'n/a' in the percentage means tables. Sectors and stratigraphic contexts which produced less than five items for a particular occupation period in the Composite Fort are also marked 'n/a'. When considering functional sub-groups, a sector which has five or more items, none of which belong to the functional group examined, will also be marked 'n/a' in the table below.

Stratigraphic contexts are represented in the tables as 'ALL', 'STRAT' and 'GOOD'. Remember that 'ALL' includes all the items from the sector and functional sub-group considered, 'STRAT' means those items found in stratified contexts from that sector and functional group, and 'GOOD' means those items from that sector and functional group found in stratified contexts, for which the artefact report was considered to be complete (in other words all the finds from the site were included).

Please select a period and functional group to examine from the menu to the right.